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Happy Tail: Early

Early and friend 3Early (formerly known as Storm) arrived at AC&C's Brooklyn Care Center last fall as a stray, only about 5 weeks old and 1 pound. Not yet ready for adoption at that age and weight, this cutie was placed in an AC&C foster home to put on some muscle and get some TLC. In December, he was adopted at the Best Friends Animal Society Super Adoption event at the Brooklyn Expo Center! And it wasn't long before he had a feline best friend himself (seen hugging Early at left).

We recently received this great update from Early's adopter:

"I have had many cats over the years and he is super cool. He is the friendliest most loving cat ever - like literally runs to the door to greet us and constantly wants to be in a lap or cuddling, even with new visitors he's never met before! The minute we brought him home he was already walking around like he owned the place! He also did not even flinch upon meeting our 6 year old son - they get along so great, Early loves to steal his Legos and bat them around the apartment."

Early and friend 2 Early fka Storm Early and friend

"We got him on a Saturday and the following Tuesday night adopted another kitten named Mochi (he's a 4 month old persian). It took a few days for Early to warm up to him - he only hissed and seemed utterly confused by the new addition... my theory is that he looked so different that Early did not even know Mochi was a cat!  Now of course they are best friends - playing and grooming each other and snoozing together ALL the time. They are both healthy and happy and we couldn't be happier."